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Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine

Ah, year 2020. Some of us would rather leave the last decade and its bad memories far behind (uncooperative skin, anyone?) and a fresh slate is just what we need. A new start to a new decade warrants new resolutions and we’ll start with manageable ones, such as prioritizing your skin. In order to start your skin journey right, you would firstly need to pare back to make room for new skin goodness and there is no better way than to spring clean your vanity. Here are some of our tips on how to do so:

Check expiration dates

Growing up, I saw my mother use one tube of lipstick – the very same one that never seems to finish. Since then, it had never crossed my mind that makeup could expire. Newsflash: it does. If you’re a makeup hoarder like me, more always means more. But, does more always mean better? Using expired makeup or skin products can cause undesired effects on the skin, such as irritation and bumps. This year, we’re all about purging things that aren’t good for us – whether it is toxic friendships, food gone bad in the refrigerator, or expired makeup. Save that frugality for something else; your skin is worthier than that.



Deep clean makeup tools

Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is causing your skin to break out. Harsh products? Stress? Makeup? Most times, the biggest culprits are closer to home (face) than you think. Dirty makeup tools. The seemingly pristine beauty sponge deceptively holds bacteria (more than you can count) that are ready to clog open pores which will then lead to acne. Wash brushes and sponges with mild soap at least once a week. And yes, even if you only used it once. It’s just like doing laundry, but for the clothes on your face.



After the purge and cleanse, it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate the things you have on your vanity. Group similar items together so you can see what is in excess or not. When your makeup is laid out systematically, you can finally stop overbuying on things you don’t need. Ten concealers for one face? Surely not. A great pointer is to store makeup and skincare products in clear containers. Not only do they beautify your space and make you happy, it’s so much easier to find something when you’re rushing out the door in the morning.



Get essential products that suit your skin

You don’t necessarily need to have a 10-step beauty routine every day and night, just a few updated products that are well-suited for your skin. Maybe you’ve gotten more tanned after that last beach holiday; it’s time to update your colour swatches. Or maybe your skin has gone dull and pigmented; try Astute Clinic’s best-selling anti-oxidant serum Lucent C for immediate skin brightening and a tinted sunscreen to prevent further damage.

If you’re experiencing cold weather, you may need to shower your dry skin with extra love such as using a face oil or cream at night. Listen to what your skin really needs instead of merely following trends. It’s good to remind yourself from time to time that quality beats quantity. Here’s to a good year of skin. 



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