Astute Clinic

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How to ace the perfect Lunar New Year beauty look?

Dong dong dong qiang! The year has only just begun but the Lunar New Year is almost knocking on our doorsteps. (Already?) It’s the wonderful season of reunion of family members and friends and while we love them, we know a brutally honest auntie or a nosy uncle we only see once a year who will comment on any and everything under the sun.

Between all the heaty nga kus (arrowhead chips) and pineapple tarts we know we’ll be binge eating and the never ending house visits (in the scorching new year sun, no less!), our skin may start to lose its lustre and boy, do we not want that. Comments like “your skin looks dull” or “you look tired” are the last things we want to hear. No, we want to leave an impression big enough to last till the next few Lunar New Years to come.

You don’t just want to glow; you want to shine. Thankfully, aesthetic treatments and products are readily available these days and we have just the solution for you

Skincare: Overnight Repairing Mask (OM)

For us lazy people, sometimes, washing our face once and slathering some moisturizer onto our face haphazardly are all we can muster up after a long day of work. A face mask on top of that is almost always out of the question. Clay masks are a hassle to wash off and sheet masks don’t allow you to fall asleep with it. That’s why a product like the Overnight Repairing Mask (OM) should be an instant no brainer. It locks in skin moisture, especially if you sleep in an air-conditioned room, and you’ll wake up with bright, translucent skin as if it drank 8 glasses of water overnight. (And well, it kind of did.) It’s as simple as leaving the mask on as your final skincare step and going to bed. Be careful not to overuse a potent product like this though, otherwise it’ll have adverse effects on your skin instead.

Treatment: Skin Perfecting Laser (Sylfirm)

Age is an especially sensitive matter during the Chinese New Year. Pigmentation, uneven rough skin and acne scars can make us look older than we are. As we age, our skin slowly loses its elasticity and ability to regenerate new cells at a quick rate. Good thing we have treatments that can slow down the signs of aging on our skin. The Astute Clinic’s Skin Perfecting Laser Treatment is intended to ramp up collagen production and improve the appearance of open pores to give you bouncy, youthful skin. Who cares about your age when you have baby-smooth skin?

Looking good and feeling confident can help give off a healthy and positive energy to the people around you during this festive season. You will leave family members and friends saying “wow” (in a good way) and maybe then they’ll divert their attention to something else other than your marital status.


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